Savant Apothecary: A vision for healthy skincare

Kylie Myatt is a Newcastle local who has been on a journey to make a difference – and it’s led her to create Savant Apothecary.

“This feels like what I was born to do in the world. All the turns, stops, pauses, opportunities and distractions have culminated in me bringing Savant into reality,” said Kylie.

While there are many skincare products out there, Kylie knew there were few that were clean, healthy, helpful and effective.

“I would look at ingredient lists and think, ‘Why do it that way?’ I could see plenty of ways to use ingredients that were better for the user and for the earth,” she said.

“My Organic Chemistry lecturer once told me to get this skincare idea out of my head and come back with something serious. That statement echoed in my head for a long time.”

Kylie didn’t forget what that lecturer said, but instead of being discouraged, it inspired her to pursue her vision.

“Savant shows that quality products can be made healthy, effective and pleasant to use.”

Savant Apothecary uses glass packaging that is refillable and fully recyclable, as well as all-natural ingredients. Kylie’s venture  has been incredible so far and it’s just beginning.